Marx Newlywed living room is in good condition but has more of a dull look to the walls and floor, and 1 small spot of rust in the left corner. The outside finish is dull as well, and has some rust.
Pink sofa, looks very good from the front, has light rust on the back, pink easy chair, very good, tall pink hutch, very good and a radio cabinet, very good. 5” wide, 2 1/2” deep and 3 1/8” tall.
Item #135
Marx Newlywed living room is in good condition but has more of a dull look to the walls and floor, and 1 small spot of rust in the left corner. The outside finish is dull as well, and has some rust.
Pink sofa, looks very good from the front, has light rust on the back, pink easy chair, very good, tall pink hutch, very good and a radio cabinet, very good. 5” wide, 2 1/2” deep and 3 1/8” tall.
Item #135